Trends and Research

Navigating 2024: Predictions and Trends

January 2, 2024
Written by John Makarewicz


As we embark on the journey into 2024, the economic landscape appears poised for a more stable trajectory, bringing with it a sense of optimism and opportunity.  In this blog post, we delve into the anticipated market stability, interest rate predictions, the resilience of the multifamily market, and the dynamics of the U.S. job market in 2024.


Market Stability and Real Estate Investment:

Looking ahead to 2024, a more stable market landscape is on the horizon, attributed to factors such as decreasing inflation, the Federal Reserve’s stance on rates, and a diminished likelihood of a recession. Anticipating a resurgence in commercial real estate investment activity in the latter half of the year, there is a considerable capital reservoir (~$250 billion in dry powder), as reported by CBRE. However, investors may approach deployment cautiously, assessing market stability and potential distressed opportunities. Expect a 5% year-over-year drop in transactions, an improvement from the 45% decline experienced in 2023. Projections, as provided by CBRE, indicate the stabilization of cap rates in the second half of the year, possibly 25-50 basis points, leading to a 5%-15% decrease in property values, primarily driven by a decline in office values.

Interest Rates Below 3% in 2024:

According to UBS chief U.S. economist Jonathan Pingle, the Federal Reserve is expected to initiate rate cuts in March, accelerating in the latter half of the year and reaching below 3% by December. This shift in interest rates can have a profound impact on various sectors of the economy. For further details, you can read the full article here.


Multifamily Market Resilience:

Amidst the turmoil in the housing market, the multifamily sector stands strong. With the current record low inventory of homes for sale and mortgage rates exceeding 8%, the price gap between buying and renting is at its widest since 1996. Despite the affordability challenges in homeownership, home prices continue to rise. A recent Pew Research study indicates that 57% of Americans prefer larger houses, influenced by the rise of hybrid work. Homeowners, who have refinanced at lower rates, are hesitant to sell, leading to a supply shortage and elevated home prices. However, this scenario bolsters the demand for apartments and rental homes, keeping the multifamily market robust. The supply-demand dynamics suggest a sustained strength in the multifamily sector for years to come.


U.S. Job Market Rebound:

RealPage reports a rebound in the U.S. job market in 2023, with 4.7 million more Americans employed as of November compared to February 2020. This job growth is particularly concentrated in southern markets, which have attracted new residents due to lower living costs and corporate relocations. Tampa and Orlando in Florida, beneficiaries of the work-from-home trend post-pandemic, have experienced significant growth. As multifamily syndicators seek deals in competitive markets across desirable Sun Belt metros, the influx of migration, job growth, and favorable supply/demand ratios make these markets especially attractive in 2024.



As we navigate the economic landscape of 2024, these insights and projections provide a compass for investors, businesses, and individuals alike. Market stability, interest rate trends, multifamily market resilience, and job market dynamics collectively shape the course for the year ahead. Stay informed, stay agile, and let’s sail through 2024 together.

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